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OverOps, an Israeli company which helps developers understand what happens in production, carried out on what the top Java exceptions were in production. Want to guess which one is in #1 place? NullPointerException.

以色列公司OverOps帮助开发人员了解生产中发生了什么,它对生产中最常见的Java异常进行了 。 想猜猜哪个在#1位吗? NullPointerException

Why is this exception is so frequent? I argue (as does Uncle Bob ?) that it is not because developers forget to add null checks.

为什么这种例外如此频繁? 我认为(一样Bob大叔?),它为n OT因为开发商忘了加上null检查。

The reason: developers use nulls too often.

原因: 开发人员经常使用null。

那么所有这些NULL是从哪里来的呢? (So where do all those NULLs come from?)

In C# and Java, all reference types can point to null. We can get a reference to point to null in the following ways:

在C#和Java中,所有引用类型都可以指向null 。 我们可以通过以下方式获得指向null的引用:

  • “uninitialized” reference type variables — variables which are initialized with nulls and are assigned their real value afterward. A bug can cause them never to be reassigned.

    “未初始化的”引用类型变量-使用空值初始化并在之后分配其实际值的变量。 错误可能导致它们永远不会被重新分配。
  • uninitialized reference-type class members.

  • explicit assignment to null or returning null from a function


Here are some patterns I noticed in functions returning null:


错误处理 (Error handling)

Returning null when the input is invalid. This is one way of returning error codes. I think it is an old school programming style, originating in the time when exceptions didn’t exist.

输入无效时返回null 。 这是返回错误代码的一种方法。 我认为这是一种古老的编程风格,起源于不存在异常的时期。

缺少实体的可选数据 (Missing optional data for entities)

An entity’s property can be optional. When there is no data for an optional property, it returns null.

实体的属性可以是可选的。 如果没有可选属性的数据,则返回null

层次模型 (Hierarchical models)

In hierarchical models, we usually can navigate up and down. When we are at the top, we need a way to say so, usually it is by returning null.

在分层模型中,我们通常可以上下导航。 当我们位于顶部时,我们需要一种表达方式,通常是通过返回null

查找功能 (Find functions)

When we want to find an entity by criteria in a collection, we return null as a way to say the entity was not found.


使用空值有什么问题? (What are the problems with using nulls?)

它会炸毁。 最终…… (It will blow up. Eventually…)

The code in which the NullPointerException is raised can be very far from where the bug is. It makes tracing the real problem harder. Especially if the code is branched.

引发NullPointerException的代码与错误所在的位置可能相去甚远。 这使得跟踪实际问题更加困难。 特别是如果代码是分支的。

In the following code example, there is a bug, somewhere in class A, causing entity to be null. But the NullPointerException is raised inside a function of class B. Real-life code can be much more complicated.

在下面的代码示例中,在类A中某个地方存在一个错误,导致entity为null。 但是NullPointerException是在类B的函数中引发的。现实生活中的代码可能要复杂得多。

隐藏的错误 (Hidden errors)

I encounter null checks which seems like the developer was thinking:


  • “I know I should check for null but I don’t know what it means when the function returns null and I don’t know what to do with it,” or


  • “ I think this cannot be null but just to make sure, I don’t want it to blow up production”


It usually looks like this:


Those kinds of null checks cause some code logic to not trigger, without the ability to know about it. Writing that kind of code means that some logic of a flow failed but the whole flow succeeded. It also can cause a bug in some other functionality which assumed the other function did its job.

这些null检查会导致某些代码逻辑无法触发, 而又无法知道它 。 编写此类代码意味着流程的某些逻辑失败了,但整个流程成功了。 它也可能导致某些其他功能中的错误,这些错误假定其他功能已完成工作。

Imagine you buy a ticket to a show online. You got a success message! The day of the show finally arrived, you leave work early, arrange a babysitter, and go to see the show. When you arrive you discover you don’t have tickets! and there are no empty seats. You return home upset and confused?. Can you see how this kind of null check can cause this situation ?

想象一下,您在线购买了演出门票。 您收到一条成功消息! 演出的日子终于到了,您可以早点下班,安排保姆,然后去看演出。 当您到达时发现您没有门票! 而且没有空座位。 您回到家难过并感到困惑吗? 您知道这种空检查如何导致这种情况吗?

It also makes the code branched and ugly ?


在C和Java中缺少非空引用类型 (Missing non-nullable reference types in C and Java)

In C# and Java reference types can always point to null. This leads to a situation that we cannot know, by looking at a function signature, if null is a valid input or output of it. I believe most of the functions don’t return or accept null.

在C#和Java中, 引用类型始终可以指向null 。 通过查看函数签名,这将导致我们无法得知null是其有效输入或输出的情况。 我相信大多数函数不会返回或接受null

Because it is hard to know if a function returns null or not (unless documented), developers are either inserting null checks when not needed, or don’t check for nulls when needed — and yes, sometimes putting null checks when needed ?.

因为很难知道函数是否返回null (除非有说明),所以开发人员要么在不需要时插入null检查,要么在需要时不检查nulls —是的,有时在需要时放置null检查?

This poor design choice causes the problems I described before in “Hidden errors” and a lot of NullPointerException errors, of course. Lose-lose situation. ?

当然,这种糟糕的设计选择会导致我在“隐藏错误”中描述的问题以及许多NullPointerException错误。 输的情况。 ?

There are languages like that aim to eliminate NullPointerException errors by differentiating between nullable references and non-nullable references. This allows catching the null assigned to non-null references, and making sure developers check for null before dereferencing nullable references, all at compile time.

像这样的语言旨在通过区分可空引用和不可空引用来消除NullPointerException错误。 这使得捕捉null分配给非null引用,并确保开发人员检查null解引用在编译时可空引用, 所有之前。

Microsoft is adopting the same approach by introducing in C#8.


那我们该怎么办呢? (So what should we do?)

听鲍伯叔叔 (Listen to Uncle Bob)

, who is widely known as “Uncle Bob,” wrote one of the most famous books about clean code called (surprisingly) . In this book, Uncle Bob claims, we should not return nulls and should not pass null to a function.

( )被广泛称为“鲍勃叔叔”,他写了一本最著名的有关干净代码的书,被称为 。 Bob叔叔声称,在这本书中, 我们不应返回nulls ,也不应将null传递给函数。

但是如何? (But how?)

I want to propose some technical patterns for eliminating null usage. I am not saying this is the best solution for every scenario — just options.


Using the option type


The is a different way to represent an optional value. This type asks if a value exists and, if so, accesses the value. When trying to access the value which doesn’t exist, it raises an exception. This solves the problem of NullPointerException raised in code areas away from the bug. In Java there is ;class. In C# (until C# 7 ) there e type which is only for value types but you can create your own or ibrary.

是表示可选值的另一种方式。 此类型询问值是否存在,如果存在,则访问该值。 尝试访问不存在的值时,将引发异常 。 这解决了在远离该错误的代码区域中引发NullPointerException的问题。 在Java中,存在 ; class。 在C#(直到C#7)中,存在 e类型,仅适用于值类型,但您可以创建自己的数据库或 。

A straightforward approach is to replace a reference that can be null (by logic) with this type:


Splitting the function into two


Each function that returns null will be converted to two functions. One function with the same signature throws an exception instead of returning null. The second function returns a boolean representing if it is valid or not to call the first function. Let’s see an example:

每个返回null函数都将转换为两个函数。 具有相同签名的一个函数将引发异常,而不是返回null 。 第二个函数返回一个布尔值,表示调用第一个函数是否有效。 让我们来看一个例子:

If the code holding an IEmployee instance assumes this employee has a manager the code should call to Manager. But if this assumption doesn’t exist the code should call to HasManager and handle the two possible outputs.

如果保存IEmployee实例的代码假定该雇员有一位经理,则该代码应调用Manager 。 但是,如果不存在此假设,则代码应调用HasManager并处理两个可能的输出。

Let’s see another example:


The logic of ContainsEmployeById is basically the same as FindEmployeById but without returning the employee. Now let’s say that those functions reach the DB, we have a performance problem here. Let’s introduce a similar but different pattern: the boolean function when returning true will also return the data we search for. It looks like this:

的逻辑 ContainsEmployeByIdFindEmployeById基本相同 但不返回员工。 现在让我们说这些功能到达了数据库,这是一个性能问题。 让我们介绍一个类似但不同的模式: boolean函数在返回true时也会返回我们搜索的数据。 看起来像这样:

A common use of this pattern is and .


The fact that I can separate a function to two functions and each has its own usages is a sign that returning null is a code smell for violating the Single Responsibility Principle.


分割界面 (Splitting the interface)

A practical guideline we can derive from the is that a class must implement all functions of an interface it implements. Returning null or throwing an exception are ways to not implement a function. So returning null is a code smell for violating the Liskov principle.

我们可以从得出的实用指导是,类必须实现其实现的接口的所有功能 。 返回null或引发异常是不实现函数的方法。 因此,返回null违反Liskov原理代码味道。

If a class can’t implement a specific interface’s function we can move that function to another interface and each class will implement only the interface it can.

如果一个类不能实现特定接口的功能, 我们可以将该函数移至另一个接口 ,每个类将仅实现其可以实现的接口。

Now instead of asking employee.HasManager — which we will do if we used the first approach “Splitting the function into two” — we ask employee is IManagedEmployee.

现在,而不是询问employee.HasManager (如果我们使用第一种方法“将功能拆分为两个”,则将执行此操作),而是询问employee是IManagedEmployee

我不是一个人工作,也不是在新建项目。 现在怎么办? (I am not working alone and not on a greenfield project. What now?)

In existing codebases, there area lot of code returning reference types. We cannot know if null is valid output or not.

在现有的代码库中,有很多代码返回引用类型。 我们不知道null是否是有效输出。

The first quick win I wish you to have is to change your coding conventions so null is not a valid input or output to a function. Or, at least when you decide that null is a valid output, use the Option type.

我希望您获得的第一个捷径是更改编码约定,因此null不是有效的输入或输出 功能。 或至少 当您确定null为有效输出时,请使用Option类型。

There are some tools which can help to enforce this convention like and . I guess, although I haven’t tried this yet, you can add a which will alert when the word null appears.

有一些工具可以帮助强制执行此约定,例如和 。 我想,尽管我还没有尝试过,但是您可以添加一个当出现null时会警报。

I would love to know what you think. Are you going to embrace this convention? And if not, why? What’s holding you back?

我很想知道你的想法。 您要接受这个约定吗? 如果没有,为什么? 是什么让你退缩?

If you encounter a scenario in which you think returning null is the right design choice, or the patterns I suggested are not good, I would love to know.


Thanks for the funny meme, from OverOps for answering my questions, for organizing a great writing event for new bloggers, , and for giving me feedback.

感谢的搞笑米姆, 从OverOps回答我的问题, 组织新的博客,一个伟大的写作活动 , 和给我反馈。



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